Facebook group

Please join our Facebook group HERE.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Weeknight session

We will be running a session on Wednesday (with a view of going permanent if numbers are good).

Here are the details:
  • Wednedsay, 9 March 2011
  • 5.30pm - 7.30pm
  • Murdoch University Sports Centre
  • Cost: $9 non-members or $7 members
  • Membership costs: $25/year or $15/semester
If we get good numbers at this session, the club will start running it weekly (i.e. sessions on both Saturdays and Wednesdays).

If you are attending, please leave a comment so we can estimate the number of courts we need.
Hope to see you there!


  1. hi there!

    quick question: are the wed and sat sessions still on? will you guys be taking a break until sem2 starts?

  2. Hi Jillian,

    No the sessions are not running at the moment due to exams going on at Murdoch. Sessions will resume after exams. Are you already on our Facebook group? We will post there and on this website once sessions resume.
